Operation Encore: Soldiers, Stories, and Songs

Episode #22 - Marine Landing Support Specialist and "Lioness" Barbara Sim

September 12, 2021 Operation Encore Season 1 Episode 22

In this episode of the Operation Encore podcast, Marine Landing Support Specialist Barbara  Sim gives a fascinating, open and honest description of her time in her marines and her  singer-songwriting journey.  An upcoming country artist with a soaring voice, Barbara describes her time as part of the "Lioness Group" in Iraq, searching for dangerous contraband and explosives among the population  (Preview: finding a grenade was "no big deal"). She also describes the feeling of loss and survivors guilt associated with combat loss and describes the stories behind three of her  most memorable songs:

"Silent Anthem"     
"Running From Goodbye" and
"Freedom Isn't Free"

If you want to learn more about Barbara, you can find her on the Operation Encore website and on her social media sites below.  Send her a message and let her know that her music speaks to you.  You can also find and book Barbara at local venues in the Greenville, SC area.

Facebook (@barbarasimmusic)
Instatram (@barbarasimmusic)
Spotify (Barbara Sim)

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